How not to get Banned from Google

No one wants to get banned from Google, but unfortunately, it does happen.Like what happened to my professor of Comp Tech his 2 website was banned consecutively upon applying to Google Adsense.As Michael Stebbins of Market Motive explains, it is important to understand why some websites do get banned,he suggested to use Google’s Webmaster Tools for you to know if you are banned. The dashboard offers very helpful information in this type of situation..he said and to make sure that your site doesn’t get banned, Stebbins tells that you should think like a search engine. In other words, you have to realize that they are looking for genuine relevance and genuine popularity. If you try to fake either of these elements, Google will not want to partner with you.Some people fake relevancy and popularity by linking to questionable websites, taking advantage of JavaScript redirects, and selling links. All these factors could result in Google banning your site.

To get re-included in Google’s index, Stebbins says you need to first decide if it is worth investing time in the re-inclusion process. There are some cases in which users commit so many “mortal sins” that is nearly impossible to rebuild a relevant and popular website,he advises users to invest in another  site and apply a 301 redirect from the old site to the new one. However, if you have not violated many of the guidelines, Stebbins says you could send a letter detailing what you did wrong and how you have fixed it. By doing this, it increases your chances of getting back into the index.

Source: Web Pro News
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